You're invited to share your sessional story

A green typewriter with a sheet of paper that says "What's your story?" URFA logo bottom left.

Pho­to by Markus Win­kler on Unsplash

The Ses­sion­al Advo­ca­cy Com­mit­tee (SAC) works to rep­re­sent ses­sion­als across Cam­pi­on Col­lege, First Nations Uni­ver­si­ty of Cana­da, Luther Col­lege and the Uni­ver­si­ty of Regi­na. We are work­ing on prepar­ing a newslet­ter that per­tains to ses­sion­al issues and inter­ests, and we invite sub­mis­sions of mate­r­i­al from ses­sion­als. We want to hear your story!

Here are some sug­gest­ed themes:
  • Any research-based arti­cle on ses­sion­al issues: for exam­ple, a brief look at nation­al sta­tis­tics, or ses­sion­al life in oth­er universities
  • What it’s like work­ing as a ses­sion­al dur­ing the pan­dem­ic: either one person’s sto­ry or a col­lec­tion of people’s comments
  • How ses­sion­al work has affect­ed your men­tal health or the health of others
  • Ses­sion­al sto­ries – your expe­ri­ences as a ses­sion­al; for exam­ple, describe what it’s like to strug­gle for job secu­ri­ty or finan­cial sta­bil­i­ty as a sessional
  • Describe ses­sion­al life at the faculty/​college lev­el; describe what role ses­sion­als play at your par­tic­u­lar fac­ul­ty or college
  • Indige­nous issues, anti-racism, social jus­tice, health: espe­cial­ly as these issues relate to the ses­sion­al experience
  • Talk about your field of study; an arti­cle fea­tur­ing a sessional’s research or art
  • Ses­sion­al achieve­ments in gen­er­al; for exam­ple, pub­li­ca­tions, projects, com­mu­ni­ty involvement
  • Jokes, car­toons, and oth­er fun stuff

Would you like to share your sto­ry in the SAC newsletter?

Send your sto­ry to the SAC chair for consideration.