Strategic Plan
University of Regina Faculty Association members are diverse, engaged and secure in their employment and physical, mental, spiritual and emotional health. In an environment of academic freedom, freedom of expression, collegiality and respect, they drive a culture of teaching, research and community engagement that makes the world a better place.
The University of Regina Faculty Association achieves its vision by:
- Providing a unified and inclusive voice on behalf of its members;
- Bargaining collective agreements;
- Defending and protecting members’ rights;
- Fulfilling our role in collegial governance;
- Educating members and the public about workplace issues;
- Engaging in respectful and inclusive relationship-building; and,
- Advocating for strong public university education.
An URFA member is:
- Respectful
- Inclusive
- Collegial
- Inquiring
Strategic Directions

URFA’s four Strategic Directions, as outlined in the 2021 – 2026 Strategic Plan.
- Our membership is engaged and active.
- We function in an environment of collegial governance.
- The public values public university education.
- The Association is financially stable.
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