Finance Committee

The Finance Com­mit­tee meets on a reg­u­lar basis and is respon­si­ble for advis­ing and mak­ing rec­om­men­da­tions regard­ing the Asso­ci­a­tion­s’s finances to the URFA Exec­u­tive Com­mit­tee, Coun­cil of Rep­re­sen­ta­tives and the URFA mem­ber­ship. The com­mit­tee con­sists of a min­i­mum of four mem­bers from the URFA mem­ber­ship, solicit­ed by the Fac­ul­ty Asso­ci­a­tion on the basis of their inter­est and com­mit­ment to finan­cial mat­ters, plus the URFA trea­sur­er who shall act as chair of the com­mit­tee. Com­mit­tee mem­bers are elect­ed on one year terms, from May 1 to April 30 of the fol­low­ing year. 

Committee members

Youngsoo Kim
Chair, Business Administration
Andrei Volodin
Past Treasurer, Math & Stats
Saman Azadbakht (on leave)
Engineering and Applied Science
Naveed Ahmed
Financial Services
Vacant (2)


Britt Hall
President URFA
Heather Ritenburg
Executive Director

URFA staff

Jane Desplenter Rose
Executive Financial Manager