Show your support for your bargaining team

Your bar­gain­ing teams rep­re­sent you and your inter­ests as they under­take nego­ti­a­tions with the employ­er to cre­ate your next col­lec­tive agree­ment. We’ve pre­pared a series of vir­tu­al resources that you can down­load to show you sup­port for your bar­gain­ing team. 

Zoom back­grounds

A speech bubble on the top left says "I support my bargaining team". URFA logo bottom right. The background is beige.

Download the above Zoom background (40 KB)

A speech bubble on the top left says "I support my bargaining team". URFA logo bottom right. The background is green.

Download the above Zoom background (40 KB)

Zoom pro­file picture

Text reads, "I support my bargaining team." URFA logo bottom right. The background is beige.

Download the Zoom profile picture (54 KB)

Face­book frame

Fol­low these steps to add a Face­book frame to your pro­file pic­ture:

1. Vis­it face​book​.com/​p​r​o​f​i​l​e​p​i​c​f​rames

2. Search for the frame: URFA Bar­gain­ing Sup­port

3. Click use as pro­file picture’

Twit­ter frame (Twib­bon)

Fol­low these steps to add a Twit­ter frame (Twib­bon) to your pro­file pic­ture:

1. Vis­it twib​bon​.com/​S​u​p​p​o​r​t​/​u​r​f​a​-​b​a​r​g​a​i​n​i​n​g​-​s​u​pport

2. Click Login to add Twib­bon’

3. Select Add to Twitter’