8 Priorities for Working People — URFA's Saskatchewan Employment Act Review Submission

Based on your feed­back and our union’s pri­or­i­ties, URFA has pro­vid­ed our sub­mis­sion on the Saskatchewan Employ­ment Act review to the Gov­ern­ment of Saskatchewan.

Our sub­mis­sion includes 8 pri­or­i­ties for what we’d like to see improved in the Act…with the top issue URFA mem­bers vot­ed for in first place.

Our feed­back was guid­ed by the three areas of impact that we see changes to the Act having:

  • the impact on URFA members
  • the impact on all work­ers in the post-sec­ondary sector
  • the impact on the stu­dents we serve

Our sub­mis­sion includes details under each cat­e­go­ry on what spe­cif­ic changes we’d like to see the Gov­ern­ment of Saskatchewan make to improve work­ing con­di­tions for everyone.

Download & read our full submission here (355 KB)