URFA Executive Elections- Meet the Candidates

The URFA Exec­u­tive Elec­tions will be held fol­low­ing the May 27th Gen­er­al Meet­ing and will be con­duct­ed via online bal­lot.

Can­di­date pro­files and intro­duc­tion videos for the posi­tions of Pres­i­dent, Trea­sur­er and Vice Pres­i­dent APT are includ­ed in the Gen­er­al Meet­ing pack­age which was sent to mem­bers email last week. 

Can­di­date pro­files and videos are also avail­able for you to view on the web­site here. 

Watch for your bal­lot in your email next week fol­low­ing the Gen­er­al Meet­ing, and have your say!