URFA Meet & Greet for Labour Day Week

September 7, 2023

3:30pm– 5:30pm, Lazy Owl — upstairs (University of Regina)

You are invit­ed for an URFA Meet & Greet social to kick off the new term and cel­e­brate Labour Day week!

Join us on Thurs­day Sep­tem­ber 7th from 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. at the Lazy Owl (upstairs) to meet your fel­low union mem­bers in a come-and-go, relaxed set­ting. We will pro­vide some fin­ger food, and drinks are avail­able for pur­chase.

This event is host­ed by URFA’s Mem­ber Mobi­liza­tion Com­mit­tee, and mem­bers of the URFA Exec­u­tive, com­mit­tees, and staff will be in atten­dance — so in addi­tion to a lit­tle fun, this is a good chance to get to know peo­ple in our union one-on-one.

So we know approx­i­mate­ly how many peo­ple to plan for — please email us at urfa@​uregina.​ca to RSVP if you’re plan­ning to join us.