Media Relations 101

May 28, 2021

9:30am– 11:00am, Online

Media Relations 101: Build your skills in speaking with journalists to have your message heard. A free workshop with Nora Loreto, editor of the Canadian Association of Labour Media. An icon of a microphone is on the left hand side, surrounded by a blue oval and yellow lines representing sound waves. The URFA logo is in the bottom right corner.

Learn how to speak to jour­nal­ists in a way that will ensure that your mes­sage is clear and impos­si­ble to mis­in­ter­pret. Under­stand the pres­sures that exist with­in a news­room that can impact how your sto­ry is cov­ered, and learn to work with­in the con­straints to get your mes­sage as far and wide as pos­si­ble. This ses­sion will include some roll play­ing so get brush up on your con­fi­dence — you’re going to need it!

This free work­shop will be pre­sent­ed by Nora Lore­to, edi­tor of the Cana­di­an Asso­ci­a­tion of Labour Media. This work­shop is avail­able to cur­rent URFA mem­bers who reg­is­ter by May 27

Sign up at the link below to receive reminders and updates about the work­shop. The work­shop will be host­ed on Zoom and the link will be sent to you pri­or to the event.

Sign up here: https://​tinyurl​.com/​U​R​F​A​-​M​e​d​i​a​-​R​e​l​a​tions

If you have any ques­tions, send us an email.