Fall General Membership Meeting

October 25, 2022

1:30pm– 4:00pm, Zoom


This is one of URFA’s two bian­nu­al all-mem­ber meet­ings. All mem­bers are invit­ed and wel­come to participate.

Meet­ing agen­da, details, and reg­is­tra­tion will be avail­able pri­or to the meeting.

Reg­is­ter for this meet­ing here.


Do you have a motion you would like to pro­pose for this meet­ing?

If so, please send your pro­posed motion by email to the URFA Bylaws & Res­o­lu­tions Com­mit­tee at urfa@​uregina.​ca no lat­er than 4:30 p.m. on Sep­tem­ber 23.

Upon receiv­ing your motion, the Bylaws & Res­o­lu­tions Com­mit­tee will review it for align­ment with our Con­sti­tu­tion and Bylaws and if the motion com­plies, it will be added to the meet­ing agen­da.

Motions must have a mover and sec­on­der. The mover and sec­on­der should each sub­mit the motion by email indi­cat­ing they are either the mover or seconder.