APT Trivia Night!

November 29, 2023

7:00pm, Regina Brewing Inc (1377 Hamilton St, Regina)

You are invit­ed to come meet oth­er APT mem­bers, show off your triv­ia skills, and win fun prizes at the APT Triv­ia Night on Novem­ber 29!

We know there are lots of new APT mem­bers, and many of us who sim­ply haven’t got­ten togeth­er in a long time, so URFA’s APT Advo­ca­cy Com­mit­tee is host­ing this com­mu­ni­ty-build­ing social in a HYBRID for­mat so every­one can par­tic­i­pate.

Loca­tion: Regi­na Brew­ing Inc (1377 Hamil­ton St, Regi­na)
Or online via: Zoom

When: Wednes­day Novem­ber 29, 2023
Doors open: 6:30 p.m.
Triv­ia con­test: 7:009:00 p.m.

How it works:
Teams of 4 – 6 will com­pete in a fun triv­ia con­test! Mem­bers of the win­ning team will each receive a $25 gift cer­tifi­cate to the Hamp­ton Hub. Food will be pro­vid­ed for in-per­son atten­dees, and drinks are avail­able to pur­chase from the venue. Part­ners and spous­es are invit­ed to attend.

Reg­is­tra­tion fee:
To help cov­er the costs of this event, there is a reg­is­tra­tion fee of $5 per per­son. You can reg­is­ter as an indi­vid­ual and be placed on a team, or you can gath­er a group and reg­is­ter togeth­er! Team mem­bers must be either all in per­son or all online.

Reg­is­ter today!
The dead­line to reg­is­ter is Novem­ber 27, 2023, at 5:00 p.m. Please reg­is­ter by email­ing urfa@​uregina.​ca with:

  • your name (indi­vid­ual reg­is­tra­tion) or the name of all of your team mem­bers (team registration)
  • if you will attend­ing in per­son or online

Once you reg­is­ter, you will receive instruc­tions on how to pay your reg­is­tra­tion fee.